Santa Barbara Unified School District

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Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation

Introductory Courses

Culinary Arts 1 will provide a hands on learning environment in order to build culinary knowledge and skill sets. This is the first course in a career pathway sequence in Food Service and Hospitality. Students will develop skills in safety and sanitation, knife safety, introduction to commercial food preparation and baking, kitchen hierarchy, technology and career awareness. Additionally, students will develop front of the house skills including cashiering, host/hostess customer service, serving styles and proper table setting. Common Core and CTE standards are infused throughout this course to improve critical and creative thinking, problem solving, literacy and quantitative reasoning. Students will be able to expand their awareness of history art, math, science and language through food. It is the goal of this course that all students have strong training and skills that are necessary in the industry.

Culinary Arts 1 will provide a hands on learning environment in order to build culinary knowledge and skill sets. This is the first course in a career pathway sequence in Food Service and Hospitality. Students will develop skills in safety and sanitation, knife safety, introduction to commercial food preparation and baking, kitchen hierarchy, technology and career awareness. Additionally, students will develop front of the house skills including cashiering, host/hostess customer service, serving styles and proper table setting. Common Core and CTE standards are infused throughout this course to improve critical and creative thinking, problem solving, literacy and quantitative reasoning. Students will be able to expand their awareness of history art, math, science and language through food. It is the goal of this course that all students have strong training and skills that are necessary in the industry.

Concentrator Courses

Culinary Arts 2 is built upon the foundation of techniques and skills acquired in Culinary Arts 1. Students will expand their knowledge in Safety & Sanitation, Baking and Pastries, Cake Decorating, Hospitality and Restaurant Management. Students will earn the ServSafe Managers Certification through classwork, lectures, videos and daily practice. Students will learn baking fundamentals to make cakes, pastries, cookies, pies, quick breads and yeast breads by baking for the school cafeteria, student lead caf閟 and catering programs as well as for fundraisers. This gives them real world experience as well as gaining knowledge in the field. Students will also explore the world of restaurant management by learning food costs, pricing, profitability and productivity.

Culinary Arts 2 is built upon the foundation of techniques and skills acquired in Culinary Arts 1. Students will expand their knowledge in Safety & Sanitation, Baking and Pastries, Cake Decorating, Hospitality and Restaurant Management. Students will earn the ServSafe Managers Certification through classwork, lectures, videos and daily practice. Students will learn baking fundamentals to make cakes, pastries, cookies, pies, quick breads and yeast breads by baking for the school cafeteria, student lead caf閟 and catering programs as well as for fundraisers. This gives them real world experience as well as gaining knowledge in the field. Students will also explore the world of restaurant management by learning food costs, pricing, profitability and productivity.

Capstone Courses

El Distrito Escolar Unificado de Santa B谩rbara (SBUnified) proh铆be la discriminaci贸n, el hostigamiento, la intimidaci贸n y el acoso escolar en los programas educativos, actividades o en el empleo por razones de ascendencia real o percibida, edad, color, discapacidad, g茅nero, g茅nero con el que se identifica, g茅nero con el que se expresa, nacionalidad, raza o etnia, condici贸n migratoria, creencias o costumbres religiosas, orientaci贸n sexual, estado paternal, embarazo, estado familiar o civil, estado militar o asociaci贸n con una persona o un grupo con una o m谩s de estas caracter铆sticas reales o percibidas. El SBUnified requiere que el personal de la escuela adopte las medidas inmediatas para intervenir cuando sea seguro hacerlo si 茅l o ella es testigo de un acto de discriminaci贸n, hostigamiento, intimidaci贸n o acoso escolar.

El Consejo de educaci贸n proh铆be el acoso sexual contra los empleados y los alumnos del distrito. El Consejo tambi茅n proh铆be cualquier conducta de represalia o medidas contra cualquier persona que reporte, presente una queja o testifique sobre la misma, o de otro modo apoye al denunciante que aduzca el acoso sexual.

El contenido de esta p谩gina web se prepar贸 para proporcionar informaci贸n y no constituye un contrato. El Distrito Escolar Unificado de Santa B谩rbara se reserva el derecho a modificar o eliminar, a帽adir o alterar la informaci贸n, los requisitos y las normas contenidas en este sitio web en cualquier momento y sin previo aviso.

The Santa Barbara Unified School District (SBUnified) prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation and bullying in educational programs, activities, or employment on the basis of actual or perceived ancestry, age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, race or ethnicity, immigration status, religious beliefs or customs, sexual orientation, parental, pregnancy, family or marital status, military status or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. SBUnified requires that school personnel take immediate steps to intervene when safe to do so when he or she witnesses an act of discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying.

The Governing Board prohibits sexual harassment of district employees and students. The Board also prohibits retaliatory behavior or action against any person who reports, files a complaint or testifies about, or otherwise supports a complainant in alleging sexual harassment.

The information on this website was prepared to provide information and does not constitute a contract. The Santa Barbara Unified School District reserves the right to change or delete, supplement or otherwise amend the information, requirements and policies contained on this website at any time and without prior notice.